In 2003, several catechists of the Bielsko-Żywiec diocese decided to take the initiative to support the space of the Catechist's Being and Action. A community began to form: Forum Katechetów Support (abbreviation: FWK), which had about 30 members.

Organizing monthly and holiday formation seminars according to Author's program: "Towards the fullness of humanity" Alone with Jesus. Educational workshops were conducted in the Action space.

FWK expanded the scope of its activities and was entered in the National Court Register as the Educational Forum Association (SFE) on July 12, 2005. It is made up of catechists, teachers, educators, parents and students.

The most important statutory goals of the Association are:

  • Creating conditions for the shaping and development of man as a person constituting a spiritual, mental, intellectual and physical whole, functioning in specific social conditions.

  • Evangelization of society in the spirit of Christian love and unity.

  • Supporting educational initiatives undertaken in the spirit of Christian values, including supporting the education of the most needy, which are disabled, sick, lonely, addicted people, threatened with social exclusion.

  • Taking action for the personal formation of children, adolescents and adults.

Our most important spaces of the work to date are: the Chamber and the Ark of the Young