We are a non-governmental organization with the status of a public benefit organization. We do not run any economic activity for profit, and we take our statutory activities entirely from funds obtained from 1% tax, membership fees and voluntary donations
(see: https://sprawozdaniaopp.niw.gov.pl)
How can you support our activities?
- By making any donation to the Association's bank account (the amount of this donation can be deducted from your income, thus reducing the tax base in your annual PIT declaration)
Stowarzyszenie Forum Edukacyjne
PKO BP Oddział 1, ul. 11 listopada 67, 43-400 Bielsko-Biała
Konto nr: 22 1020 1390 0000 6302 0156 9565
„Na cele statutowe”
- By transferring 1% tax - indicating our OPP on the tax declaration